After officers shot in Florence, SC governor orders flags to be lowered to half-staff

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S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster has ordered that flags be lowered to half-staff after seven police officers were shot, and one of them killed, in Florence County Wednesday afternoon.

In a Thursday morning tweet, the Richland Republic called the gesture a “mark of respect for the law enforcement officers who were senselessly shot in Florence yesterday.

“Please, take this opportunity to reflect on what their sacrifice means to you,” he continued.

The officers were shot as Florence County sheriff’s deputies attempted to serve a warrant in a suburban neighborhood.

Terrance Carraway, 52, a 30-year veteran of the Florence Police Department died from his wounds.

The shooter was identified as 74-year-old Fred Hopkins by Chief Deputy Glenn Kirby of the Florence County Sheriff’s Office, according to WMBF.

Reach Wilks at 803-771-8362. Follow him on Twitter @AveryGWilks.