Surf City still recovering four months after Hurricane Florence

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Damage of Florence still remain along Surf City coast on Jan. 15, 2019. (Photo: WCTI)

It’s been more than four months since Surf City felt the impact from Hurricane Florence.

The town’s beaches remain blocked off and many businesses are anxiously awaiting the rebuilding to begin along the shoreline. Many home and business owners hope it won’t be much longer until a plan of action is put in place to rebuild the beaches.

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The town council announced it will host a meeting on Friday to decide on the best way to go about rebuilding. They’re inviting the public to come out and share their opinion, especially those who own beachfront property.

Ultimately, officials on the town council said Friday’s meeting is a huge step in the rebuilding process.

“Hopefully they’ll have the rental houses back because that’s … people coming in and renting houses … that’s a big part of our business,” said Mallory Matthews, assistant manager of Herring’s Outdoor Sports. “We are hoping for that but yeah we’ve seen a lot of people come together it’s been really nice to see.”

Community members said they’re determined to rebuild. Some say they have high hopes for Surf City to look like it’s pre-Florence self for the summer season.


