NC students write book about experience with Hurricane Florence
NEW BERN, NC (WCTI) — A group of students in North Carolina have written book about experience with Hurricane Florence through their eyes.
We often hear about adults’ experience during Hurricane Florence. What about the children?
Some third grade students at Brinson Memorial Elementary School in New Bern put their perspectives together in a book about their experiences during Hurricane Florence. Their stories are helping the community, too.
“It made me feel a little bit sad.”
“Peoples houses were getting flooded.”
“It was a little bit scary in the dark.”
“Our house got flooded and got two feet of water.”
“It was verrrry harsh.”
That’s what Hurricane Florence was like for the third graders who, like everyone else, were in the middle of the storm. But not a lot of people get to hear their side of the story.
“When you see the news you see mostly adults interviewed and I think a lot of people don’t think about how it impacted and affected children,” said Erin Ridgeway, a third grade teacher at Brinson Memorial.
So they actually wrote about it, published it and are selling it. The money raised will go to Carrie of NC, Inc., an organization in Craven County. The students say it’s important for them to help others.
“I think this is a great way, especially at a young age, to teach that there’s more than just them and how important it is to help others,” Ridgeway said.
Click here and scroll down to the “Our 3rd graders are authors” announcement to see a link you can click to purchase a book.
Watch the video about to hear more from some of the children who helped write the book.