Meyerland family spending first Passover at home since Hurricane Harvey

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HOUSTON — For one family in Meyerland, this Passover marks the first time they’ve celebrated in their home since Hurricane Harvey.

Michael Wadler says he and his family spent months living out of suitcases, waiting for the day to return to their neighborhood.

The food is what gets you in the door, but it’s the stories Wadler shares that keep you around.

Michael admits Passover is his favorite holiday, so stories of Exodus and plagues never get old. No matter how many times they’re shared.

“It’s a holiday to reflect and to have a lot of gratitude,” said Wadler.

Reflection and gratitude are two words Michael says help him keep in perspective how far he’s come since the last Passover meal spent under his roof.

Hurricane Harvey destroyed much of his neighborhood and soon the mass exodus followed. Acting on faith Michael and his family found a place to stay, food to eat and people willing to help.

Neighbors helped tear down walls and money from local charities closed the gap on money needed to make repairs.

For all that went wrong, Michael says just enough went right. A story you won’t find in the texts, but one Michael and his family won’t forget.


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