More than 800 seek FEMA aid after deadly Alabama tornado

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The government says hundreds of people have sought federal aid since a tornado killed nearly two dozen people in east Alabama this spring.

A statement from the Federal Emergency Management Agency says 817 homeowners and renters have applied for disaster assistance since the March 3 twister. More than $1.2 million has gone to Lee County residents for housing and other needs.

The Small Business Administration also has approved 54 low-interest disaster loans totaling almost $2.8 million.

An EF-4 tornado with winds estimated at 170 mph (274 kph) struck Beauregard, killing 23 people and injuring 90.

Scores of homes and other buildings were damaged or destroyed along a storm path that forecasters say was nearly 27 miles (43.45 kilometers) long.

The federal assistance followed a disaster declaration by President Donald Trump.