Spring Lake mayor takes ABC11 on tour of damage, flooding

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Fayetteville city officials expect the Cape Fear River to crest overnight at 61.6 feet. Residents continue to monitor river levels from afar as NCDOT shut down the Person Street bridge as a safety precaution.

“I’ve never seen it quite this high and even with Matthew, it was 53 feet and we’ve surpassed that quite a bit,” said Mayor Mitch Colvin. “NCDOT closed it today to vehicular traffic so this is no longer an option until after it passes us.”

Spring Lake fire crews and the mayor took ABC11 out in a boat to survey the damage on Bragg Boulevard. There are quite a few cars, homes, and businesses submerged.

MORE: Full coverage of Hurricane Florence

“I hope that all who have been affected have been taken to shelter or have been rescued,” said Mayor Larry Dobbins. “This is the aftereffect of a devastating flood.”

Manna Church is partnering with Mercy Chefs to feed thousands. On Tuesday night, volunteers boxed up dozens of meals for residents displaced by the storm.

“People are just so completely grateful to open a box and find a hot meal,” said Lisa Saylor with Mercy Chefs.

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