Southeastern NC leaders lobby state for more hurricane resources

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Flooding in Whiteville on June 16, 2020. (Photo: Ian Edwards)

WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — Tuesday, Southeastern North Carolinian leaders traveled to Raleigh, lobbying the Senate an House for more flood resources.

Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo lobbied for a bill he says should provide a blueprint for hurricanes and floods, funding, and more expertise.

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The bill, which Saffo hopes will pass in both chambers by the end of the month, would address some of the issues Wilmington faces every hurricane season like flooding, water on roads, and transporting resources.

“Evacuation plans. Being able to get people in and out is incredibly important to us. We were on the verge of losing our water system,” Saffo remembered. “We would have had to move the entire hospital out because they wouldn’t have been able to have any water. They wouldn’t have been able to help their patients. Getting critical supplies in. Fuel especially.”

Pender County Commissioner Jackie Newton and Whiteville Mayor Terry Mann also lobbied Tuesday. They hope to secure $200 million with the proposal.