#CapeFearStrong: Older couple celebrates generator donation during Florence

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A team of three moved and set up the generator for the couple, which Zelda celebrated with a small cheer. (SOURCE: WECT)

Community heroes began stepping up before Florence completely passed over southeastern North Carolina.

Justin Milliken with Shallotte Electric Stores spent much of Saturday making trips around town donating supplies from the family-owned business.

“We stand behind people in our community,” said Milliken.

Zelda Alexander and her husband are two of thousands without power, and Milliken delivered a generator to their home after hearing about the couple’s need from their church pastor.

“Our preacher called us and wanted us to know if we had an extra generator, and we did,” said Milliken.

A team of three moved and set up the generator for the couple, which Zelda celebrated with a small cheer.

“This is the first real bad storm I’ve seen,” said Zelda.

“We’ve been here 35 years, been through a lot of storms and never seen one quite like this,” said Alexander about Florence.

Milliken also picked up and delivered raincoats for crews working on power lines.

Anyone who wants to donate to the Florence Recovery effort can do so via the American Red Cross. Click here and make sure to select “Hurricane Florence” under “I want to support.”

Money donated to this effort stays in this area and 91 cents of every dollar goes to the humanitarian missions.

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