Kleberg County Judge issues voluntary evacuation order due to Hurricane Hanna

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Kleberg County Judge issues voluntary evacuation order due to Hurricane Hanna

Kleberg County Judge issues voluntary evacuation order for some areas due to Hurricane Hanna.

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Kleberg County Judge Rudy Madrid has issued a voluntary evacuation order for Ricardo, Riviera, Baffin Bay and Loyola Beach due to the “imminent threat” of Hurricane Hanna.

The order, which goes into effect immediately and runs until Sunday, asks for residents in these areas to voluntarily evacuate to “protect lives and property.”

The order does not apply to essential emergency personnel. 

Hurricane Hanna is expected to make landfall Saturday, and heavy rainfall may occur across South Texas beginning Friday night through Sunday.

There is a predicted rainfall amount of 4 to 6 inches, with isolated amounts up to 10 inches. 

Kleberg  until Sunday, July 26 at 11 p.m.

According to the order, any peace officer or other person with lawful authority may enforce the order.


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Ashlee Burns covers trending and breaking news in South Texas. See our subscription options and special offers at Caller.com/subscribe

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